District courts have discretion to control their dockets by staying patent infringement cases pending resolution of post-grant review by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. Some districts stay cases more frequently than others, and some factual circumstances prove more important to a grant. This program will include a discussion of recent data on stay orders, and provide some considerations related to overall litigation strategy when it is likely that a patent challenger will seek to stay the district court case pending review by the PTAB.
Christopher Geyer, Associate, Williams & Connolly LLP
Andrew Riley, Partner, Finnegan, Henderson, Farrabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
Jonathan Stroud, Chief Patent Counsel, Unified Patents
Kevin Hardy, Partner, Williams & Connolly LLP
Registration Information
Private Practitioner
FCBA Member - Complimentary
Non-Member - $125
FCBA Member/Students - Complimentary
Non-Member - $50
FCBA will seek CLE credit from applicable states for paying registrants and for members of the FCBA from within the United States (except OH, PA, NM & PR).
To register for this program, please follow the Registration button above. You will need to sign into your FCBA account (or create one if you do not already have one). If you are a member, the complimentary pricing will automatically show.
For special “group” pricing and student groups interested in FREE internet participation, contact Pam Twiford, twiford@fedcirbar.org.